
Overview of LLM landscape: Usage, latency, pricing and more.

Overview of LLM landscape: Usage, latency, pricing and more.


With an array of large language models (LLMs) available today, selecting the right one for your specific use case can be daunting. Each model comes with its trade-offs. By understanding the trade-offs involved in the mode of usage, latency, pricing, and overall performance, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions about the selection. In this post, we will list and compare various large language models, delving into their respective strengths, limitations, and feasibility for different applications. We have clustered the model into groups based on how one can access them. Let’s go over the groups one-by-one.

Private models available through API

The first cluster of models that we will cover are models that are available as an API. The model weights aren’t exposed to the public. This includes models from OpenAI, Cohere, and Vertex AI.

OpenAI is at the forefront of developing large language models, with GPT-4 being its most powerful offering. GPT-4 is available on the web at a $20/month subscription, but the API access is still on the waitlist. The other flagship models for completion (text-davinci-002, text-davinci-003) and chat (gpt-3.5-turbo) are available on the web and as an API.

Cohere offers multiple flagship models for specialized use cases such as classification, embeddings, summarisation, and reranking apart from the generation model. Using a specialized model, for example, for classification, works better than using the generation model with classification examples given in the prompt. Similar to OpenAI, these models can be accessed through API. Cohere also uniquely offers fine-tuning models on your own dataset.

Vertex AI (ML platform within Google Cloud Platform) upgraded their offerings with the latest released PaLM 2 models. PaLM 2 models are multilingual and also explicitly trained for reasoning and coding application. The family of the model consists of 4 different models — Gecko, Otter, Bison, and Unicorn (in increasing order of size). The largest publicly available model is Bison, and can be accessed as an API through GCP.

There are multiple other private models that are still in BETA. The companies developing them aren’t providing API access yet. In the future, we can expect these models with an API-type access as well once the companies figure out their business models. We’ll list down some models that fall into this category

Claude, famously called the rival of ChatGPT from the company Anthropic has been trained to perform well in language generation, information retrieval, and assisting with code writing. There is a waitlist for using Claude, and most likely the, access is currently being granted to organizations for the partner program. However, Claude is also available as a slack bot for trying out.

Inflection AI, launched its super powerful personal assistant named Pi. The model is available for demo on their website and also through Whatsapp, Instagram, or SMS. There is no mention of an API access yet, so likely it isn’t going to be available for commercial use anytime soon. Pi is closer to a personal assistant than any other model in the post. It claims to be more kind and helpful in conversations.

LLaMA is a family of foundational models ranging from 7B to 65B parameters released by META. Among the models in the list, this has only been released for research purposes and not commercial use. The model weights can be downloaded upon filling out a form. Despite being smaller in size, LLaMA and models based on it (Alpaca and Vicuna) are highly powerful in their generation quality.

Open-source models

The second cluster of models are models that are released as open-source. These models are available for download through the huggingface hub. However, due to their size, some models are still better off being used through an API than running locally.

Google released the Flan family of models trained using the novel method of instruction tuning over pre trained T5 or BERT. We include the Flan-T5 models in our article for analysis. These are the smallest models in the post ranging from 80M (flan-t5-small) to 11B (flan-t5-xxl), and can run on a laptop locally.

MPT is a family of LLM models released by Mosaic ML (now part of Databricks). Open-sourced and available for commercial use, MPT models are trained on large amounts of data (1T) and offer large context windows (65K for MPT-7B-StoryWriter-65k+). The 7B parameter models is available in multiple formats (MPT-7B, MPT-7B-Instruct, MPT-7B-Chat) and outperforms all other models in the same parameter range.

EleutherAI is a non-profit research institute that evolved from a Discord server. It’s a group of full-time and part-time researchers, along with volunteers, that aim to democratize the development of LLMs. Models include GPT Neo family with sizes ranging from 125M to 20B.

The BLOOM family of models, by BigScience, results from the largest collaboration of AI researchers worldwide. With 176 billion parameters, BLOOM can generate text in 46 languages. They offer various model sizes ranging from 560M to 176B. BLOOM also offers a chat model along with a completion model.

Vicuna is an open-source chatbot model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA on user-shared conversations. It claims to perform at 90% of the quality of GPT-4 and outperform other models while only being 13B in parameter size. The code and weights are available for use. The online demo can be found here

Falcon is the most recently released model in the list, and it tops the public leaderboard. Released by Technology Innovation Institute (TII), the models come with Apache 2.0 software license that opens it up for public and commercial use.

Next we move on the analysing these models on their pricing, latency and mode of usage (local, hosting, API).

Analysis of model trade-offs (usage, latency and pricing)

The three models (OpenAI, Cohere and Vertex AI) available through API follow a pay-per-usage pricing model and have competitive pricing.

For OpenAI, the cost is $0.02/1000 tokens for text-davinci-003 and $0.002/1000 tokens for text-davinci-002 and gpt-3.5-turbo. Due to excessive use however, OpenAI models offer poor guarantee on latency. For Cohere, the generate API costs $0.015/1000 tokens (equivalent of $0.02 for text-davinci-003). It’s recommended to use task specific APIs for classify, summarise rather than the generate API as task specific models are more accurate and lower priced ($0.2 for 1000 classifications). For Vertex AI, The cost is $0.05/1000 tokens (considering 5 character per token) for complete (text-bison-001) and $0.025/1000 tokens for chat.

Models available on Huggingface hub fall into two buckets.

  • Models small enough to run locally.
  • Models that require API inference or Hosting.

The first bucket includes flan models, gpt-neo models, falcon-7b, MPT-7B etc. These can run on a local PC (~16GB of RAM) which reduces inference time drastically (no API call). From the group falcon-7b and MPT-7B model are good at generation task.

The models in the second bracket can be accessed through their public API for free. Popular models on the hub suffer the same problem of contention and thus the API call take ~30s to complete. When using the free API it is advisable to use slightly smaller model within the model family. HF hub doesn’t keep all models loaded for the inference so the first call to the API might include the time for loading the model in memory (the latency analysis here will depend on how frequent the API calls are for the use case)

In order to alleviate the issues of latency, one can host these models on AWS, GCP etc. Huggingface also allows quick integration to these cloud providers through it’s inference endpoints. Based on the region of use, one can choose a nearby server location. The pricing here is based on the hardware and users are charged on a hourly basis. The cheapest offering being $0.6/hr for a NVIDIA T4 (14GB) to $45.0/hr for 8 NVIDIA A100 (640GB).

API calls to GPT-4 require >20s and deem it unsuitable for real-time interactions. If your use-case is time critical (such as real time conversations or chat), GPT-4 is unsuitable. However it’s the best offering for offline tasks (summarisation, storytelling etc).

If a larger context window is needed, MPT-7B-StoryWriter-65k+ offers a context window of 65k (even more than text-davinci-003). If your use case involves language other than english, BLOOM and Vertex AI supports multilingual models.

The choice of models depends on the task at hand. Within the subset of local models, if you want really fast inference time for generation task, it is highly recommended to use falcon-7b. and for simpler task such as classification, one can use even smaller models such as Flan-T5. If time is not critical for your application, text-davinci-002 performs well with few-shot prompting on a classfication task. For generation however it suffers and we recommend using text-davinci-003.

If you are planning to host a model from huggingface hub, the choice of model will also depend on the the hardware requirement (pricing proportional to hardware). In that case we can look at models in different parameter ranges. For models with parameters of order 7B, falcon-7b is highly recommended.

If you are looking to use models just for personal use (as a search engine or to get basic task done), you should checkout Pi, Claude and GPT-4 (web)

Posted on October 16, 2023